:orphan: :mod:`torchfilter.base._kalman_filter_measurement_model` ======================================================== .. py:module:: torchfilter.base._kalman_filter_measurement_model .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Private module; avoid importing from directly. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: torchfilter.base._kalman_filter_measurement_model.KalmanFilterMeasurementModel .. py:class:: KalmanFilterMeasurementModel(*, state_dim, observation_dim) Bases: :class:`abc.ABC`, :class:`torch.nn.Module` .. autoapi-inheritance-diagram:: torchfilter.base._kalman_filter_measurement_model.KalmanFilterMeasurementModel :parts: 1 Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance. .. attribute:: state_dim State dimensionality. :type: int .. attribute:: observation_dim Observation dimensionality. :type: int .. method:: forward(self, *, states: types.StatesTorch) -> Tuple[types.ObservationsNoDictTorch, types.ScaleTrilTorch] :abstractmethod: Observation model forward pass, over batch size ``N``. :param states: States to pass to our observation model. Shape should be ``(N, state_dim)``. :type states: torch.Tensor :returns: *Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]* -- tuple containing expected observations and cholesky decomposition of covariance. Shape should be ``(N, M)``. .. method:: jacobian(self, *, states: types.StatesTorch) -> torch.Tensor Returns Jacobian of the measurement model. :param states: Current state, size ``(N, state_dim)``. :type states: torch.Tensor :returns: *torch.Tensor* -- Jacobian, size ``(N, observation_dim, state_dim)``