Source code for torchfilter.base._particle_filter_measurement_model

"""Private module; avoid importing from directly.

import abc
from typing import cast

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from overrides import overrides

from .. import types
from ._kalman_filter_measurement_model import KalmanFilterMeasurementModel

[docs]class ParticleFilterMeasurementModel(abc.ABC, nn.Module): """Observation model base class for a generic differentiable particle filter; maps (state, observation) pairs to the log-likelihood of the observation given the state ( $\\log p(z | x)$ ). """ def __init__(self, state_dim: int): super().__init__() self.state_dim = state_dim """int: Dimensionality of our state."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod # @overrides def forward( self, *, states: types.StatesTorch, observations: types.ObservationsTorch ) -> torch.Tensor: """Observation model forward pass, over batch size `N`. For each member of a batch, we expect `M` separate states (particles) and one unique observation. Args: states (torch.Tensor): States to pass to our observation model. Shape should be `(N, M, state_dim)`. observations (dict or torch.Tensor): Measurement inputs. Should be either a dict of tensors or tensor of size `(N, ...)`. Returns: torch.Tensor: Log-likelihoods of each state, conditioned on a corresponding observation. Shape should be `(N, M)`. """
[docs]class ParticleFilterMeasurementModelWrapper(ParticleFilterMeasurementModel): """Helper class for creating a particle filter measurement model (states, observations -> log-likelihoods) from a Kalman filter one (states -> observations). Args: kalman_filter_measurement_model (torchfilter.base.KalmanFilterMeasurementModel): Kalman filter measurement model instance to wrap. """ def __init__(self, kalman_filter_measurement_model: KalmanFilterMeasurementModel): super().__init__(state_dim=kalman_filter_measurement_model.state_dim) self.kalman_filter_measurement_model = kalman_filter_measurement_model
[docs] @overrides def forward( self, *, states: types.StatesTorch, observations: types.ObservationsTorch ) -> torch.Tensor: """Observation model forward pass, over batch size `N`. For each member of a batch, we expect `M` separate states (particles) and one unique observation. Args: states (torch.Tensor): States to pass to our observation model. Shape should be `(N, M, state_dim)`. observations (torch.Tensor): Measurement inputs. Should be either a dict of tensors or tensor of size `(N, ...)`. Returns: torch.Tensor: Log-likelihoods of each state, conditioned on a corresponding observation. Shape should be `(N, M)`. """ # Note that Kalman filter measurement models only accept tensors as observation # inputs. assert isinstance( observations, torch.Tensor ), "For wrapped Kalman filter measurement models, observations must be tensors." observations = cast(types.ObservationsNoDictTorch, observations) # Shape checks N, M, state_dim = states.shape N_alt, observation_dim = observations.shape assert observation_dim == self.kalman_filter_measurement_model.observation_dim assert N == N_alt # Get predicted observations pred_observations, observations_tril = self.kalman_filter_measurement_model( states=states.reshape((-1, state_dim)) ) assert pred_observations.shape == (N * M, observation_dim) assert observations_tril.shape == (N * M, observation_dim, observation_dim) pred_observations = pred_observations.reshape((N, M, observation_dim)) observations_tril = observations_tril.reshape( (N, M, observation_dim, observation_dim) ) # Expand observations to account for particle count # This is currently not very memory-efficient observations = observations[:, None, :].expand((N, M, observation_dim)) # Compute log likelihoods log_likelihoods = torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal( loc=pred_observations, scale_tril=observations_tril ).log_prob(observations) assert log_likelihoods.shape == (N, M) # Reshape and return return log_likelihoods