Source code for

"""Private module; avoid importing from directly.

from typing import List, Tuple

import fannypack
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import torch
from import tqdm

from .. import types

[docs]class ParticleFilterMeasurementDataset( """A dataset interface for pre-training particle filter measurement models. Centers Gaussian distributions around our ground-truth states, and provides examples for learning the log-likelihood. Args: trajectories (List[torchfilter.types.TrajectoryNumpy]): List of trajectories. Keyword Args: covariance (np.ndarray): Covariance of Gaussian PDFs. samples_per_pair (int): Number of training examples to provide for each state/observation pair. Half of these will typically be generated close to the example, and the other half far away. """ def __init__( self, trajectories: List[types.TrajectoryNumpy], *, covariance: np.ndarray, samples_per_pair: int, **kwargs ): self.covariance = covariance.astype(np.float32) self.samples_per_pair = samples_per_pair self.dataset = [] self.rng = np.random.default_rng() for i, traj in enumerate(tqdm(trajectories)): T = len(traj.states) assert len(traj.controls) == T for t in range(T): # Pull out data & labels state = traj.states[t] observation = fannypack.utils.SliceWrapper(traj.observations)[t] self.dataset.append((state, observation)) self.controls = traj.controls self.observations = traj.observations print("Loaded {} points".format(len(self.dataset)))
[docs] def __getitem__( self, index ) -> Tuple[types.StatesNumpy, types.ObservationsNumpy, np.ndarray]: """Get a state/observation/log-likelihood sample from our dataset. Nominally, we want our measurement model to predict the returned log-likelihood as the PDF of the `p(observation | state)` distribution. Args: index (int): Subsequence number in our dataset. Returns: tuple: `(state, observation, log-likelihood)` tuple. """ state, observation = self.dataset[index // self.samples_per_pair] # Generate half of our samples close to the mean, and the other half # far away if index % self.samples_per_pair < self.samples_per_pair * 0.5: noisy_state = self.rng.multivariate_normal( mean=state, cov=self.covariance ).astype(np.float32) else: noisy_state = self.rng.multivariate_normal( mean=state, cov=self.covariance * 5 ).astype(np.float32) log_likelihood = np.asarray( scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.logpdf( noisy_state, mean=state, cov=self.covariance ), dtype=np.float32, ) return noisy_state, observation, log_likelihood
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Total number of samples in the dataset. Returns: int: Length of dataset. """ return len(self.dataset) * self.samples_per_pair